This week we are doing scaled mock-ups of anything that can hold a human body. I chose to do sitting furnitures. I started by thinking about the form of chairs and what I could do to make it look unique, but then function is as important to take into account, because the user will be using this piece of furniture for a period of time.
I came up with 3 rough furniture mock-ups to explore this week's topic which is 'Form vs Function'.
Model 1
This piece of furniture, i tried playing with the flexibility of the balsa wood to make a curvier design with the wire supporting the shape. There could be a little bit more support on the seat are, but overall it is stable with weight.
Model 2
This next model is a backless chair with armrests. I like it because it is simple and strong. It might not be the most comfortable chair, but it's definitely good enough to be sat on for a shorter period and it looks good!
Model 3
This piece I was trying to create more comfortability on a wooden stool. That is why the 3 planks of the seat is quite flexible. The seat also has a curvy area to make sitting more comfortable. This piece definitely needs more refinement to make it outlook look less industrial and more inviting, by changing some of the wire features of the chair maybe... It still needs to go under further detailing.
More next week!